Friday, February 25, 2011


It's no secrete that bentgrass loves acid fertility and iron. Give bent a consistent diet of iron sulfate, ammonium sulfate and it will thrive, but how do you do that efficiently, safely and economically? Well with a little background information from our friends Jeff Johnson and Nick Folk of the Minikahda Club in Minneapolis, MN. our staff headed by John Niemiec and Mark Mejchar with some assistance from Nick Narlock built a 1550 gallon mix tank that will mix inexpensive agricultural fertilizers into a deluxe diet formula that will keep the bent grass happy for a long time while making its ugly cousin poa annua rather sad. How did the boys do it? Well, you let these guys look at someones mouse trap, Minnikada's in this case, and they  can't resist the urge to build a better one, and they have. This setup will have better agitation and the ability to download faster so we can crank out the loads to our fairways and greens in a timely fashion. And they put it all together for less than $2,200. This setup will save our club Thousands of $$ over the course of the next few years and make our members and our bentgrass, very happy! Once again American Ingenuity Pays Off!

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